IFSC Camera Work Critique: Issues at the Bouldering World Cup

The recent IFSC Bouldering World Cup in Innsbruck delivered thrilling competition and impressive routesetting, yet viewers were left perplexed by the camera work. Despite the excitement of watching semis and finals for free on YouTube, many expressed frustration over erratic zooming and missed moments during crucial climbs.

Throughout the livestream, viewers noted odd angles and frequent close-ups on hands and feet, often at inappropriate times. For instance, during Janja Garnbret’s gold-winning ascent, the camera inexplicably focused on her feet instead of capturing the climactic moment of her final hold.

Comments on the women’s finals livestream highlighted dissatisfaction with the camerawork, with one viewer criticizing, “Some of the worst camerawork I’ve seen in a long time, especially for a finals round.” Another lamented the loss of perspective on crucial movements, citing instances where vital climactic moments were obscured by close-ups on insignificant details.

While improvements were noted in the men’s finals, issues persisted with untimely zooming on irrelevant holds. Viewers continued to voice their disappointment, emphasizing the need for consistent and comprehensive coverage of athlete performances.

Despite these challenges, the event showcased outstanding routesetting and world-class climbing talent, thanks to the IFSC’s commitment to providing accessible livestreams. Looking ahead to future World Cups and the Olympics, viewers hope for enhanced camerawork to fully capture the intensity and drama of competitive climbing.


Source: https://gripped.com/news/wtf-is-up-with-the-ifsc-camera-work/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR0mRXgmGkosnP5lLBVXyvnhE8CiJU1GLG-LxIQmbbqIgs8f8lhWScG0uAo_aem_C7WM1DKAKXwGFXOy9DPaTQ


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Exploring Grand Capucin: Mountain Climbing with Federica Mingolla and the Legendary Petzl Tour

In the heart of the majestic Alps, Federica Mingolla, a stalwart figure in the climbing community, sets forth on an extraordinary odyssey as part of the renowned Petzl Legend Tour.

Delving into History

Beginning with a poignant visit to the National Museum of the Mountain in Turin, where the illustrious legacy of Walter Bonatti is meticulously preserved, Federica and her intrepid team delve into the archives, immersing themselves in the rich heritage of alpine exploration.

Conquering Grand Capucin

From there, the journey ascends to new heights as they embark on the iconic “Bonatti-Ghigo” route, a trail blazed by Bonatti himself alongside Luciano Ghigo in 1951.

Challenges and Triumphs

Scaling the rugged cliffs of Grand Capucin, with its distinctive red granite facade, they confront the sheer magnitude of the challenge before them, each step a testament to the indomitable spirit of human endeavor.

Capturing the Journey

Amidst the awe-inspiring vistas and vertiginous precipices, the team forges ahead, driven by a shared passion for the thrill of the ascent. Through the lens of Klaus Dall’Orto’s evocative film, “States of Grace,” and the eloquent narration of Laura Giunta, the essence of their journey is captured in vivid detail.

With Federica Mingolla at the helm, the Petzl Legend Tour transcends mere exploration, evolving into a transcendent voyage of self-discovery and triumph. As she etches her name alongside the legends of old, Federica embodies the very spirit of adventure, inspiring a new generation of climbers to reach for the summit and beyond.

Source: https://www.planetmountain.com/en/news/alpinism/petzl-legend-tour-federica-mingolla-grand-capucin-in-the-footsteps-walter-bonatti.html