6/10 (UPI)3A3-year-old boy who went hikingin North Dakota noticed something sticking out ofthe ground and wasshocked to learn that he had discovered a fossil of a Tyrannosaurus Rex.
Jessin and Liam Fisher, 10 and 7, were hiking theNorth Dakota Bureau of Land Management land in Badlands, near Marmers, with their cousin Kayden Madsen, 9, and their fatherSam Fisher.
They askedTyler Lyson, ahigh school classmate of Sam Fisher and now acuratorof paleonto logyatthe Denver Museum of Natural Sciences, to help identify what they found during their 2022 hike.
Lyson and his paleontology team accompanied the family on a return journey to the discovery sitein the summer of 2023,determined that the boys had discovered the juvenile tyrannosaurus fossil. The fossil will be shownat the“Discovering Teen Rex” exhibition at the Denver Museum of Natural Science, which willopenon 6/21.
“By going outand embracing their passionand the thrill of discovery, these boys have made incredible dinosaur discoveriesthat advancescience and deepentheir understanding of the natural world,” Lyson said in a news release. “I’m excited to delveinto the “Teen Rex Discovery“experience, which I think museum guests will inspire imagination and wondernot only inour community, but around the world!”“Atthe opening of the exhibition,thepremiereof Documentary Twillalsoappear. Rexrecordedthe discovery of fossils, “T.It features “Anunprecedented journey into the world of Rexand hisfellow Cretaceous carnivores.”
Learn more: https://www.adventurefilm.academy/

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