Water Sports

Combining Paragliding and Skiing: A New Perspective on Alpine Adventure

Ossie Khan

16th May 2024 2 min read

It feels like whenever we see a clip combining paragliding with skiing, it’s through speed skiing. Speed skiing is dope, don’t get me wrong. But the possibilities of just line hunting from the sky, peacefully floating above mountains, seem pretty incredible. JohnnyRo shows us what that looks like through his YouTube channel, and I can tell you, if I didn’t have an interest in paragliding before seeing this video, I certainly do now.

A New Way to Explore the Slopes

Imagine this: soaring above the snow-capped peaks, the world beneath you a serene canvas of untouched powder and rugged terrain. This isn’t just a daydream; it’s the reality for those who combine paragliding with skiing. JohnnyRo’s latest video takes us on such an adventure, offering a unique perspective on the alpine experience.

The Journey Begins

“On this day, my buddy James and I decided to bail on all of our ground-dwelling ski friends and go for a little mission on our own,” JohnnyRo narrates. The duo set their sights on Pemberton, a picturesque town in British Columbia known for its stunning backcountry skiing opportunities.

Their journey started with a quick drive up a logging road, followed by a 180-meter vertical climb on skins. This effort brought them to a launch point where their real adventure began.

Shopping for Lines from the Sky

With their paragliders ready, JohnnyRo and James took to the skies. “The next thing you know, we’re shopping for lines from the sky,” JohnnyRo explains. Floating above the mountains, they had a bird’s-eye view of the terrain, allowing them to scout the best possible routes and untouched lines to ski.

This method of line hunting is not only efficient but also provides a unique thrill. The peace and tranquility of paragliding, combined with the anticipation of the ski descent, create an unparalleled experience.

Finding the Perfect Line

After a few minutes of scouting from the air, JohnnyRo and James identified a promising line. The transition from air to snow was seamless as they touched down and began their descent. The chosen line offered pristine powder and a thrilling ride down the mountain.

Why Paragliding and Skiing?

Combining paragliding with skiing isn’t just about the thrill—it’s about exploring new ways to interact with the mountains. The ability to fly to remote locations and ski untouched terrain opens up endless possibilities for adventure. It also allows for a more sustainable approach to skiing, reducing the need for mechanized access to remote areas.

Get Inspired

If JohnnyRo’s video does one thing, it’s inspire. For those who love the mountains and are always looking for new ways to experience them, paragliding combined with skiing offers a fresh perspective. It’s not just about the adrenaline rush; it’s about the connection to the environment and the pure joy of exploring it in innovative ways.

Ready to Take Flight?

So, if you’ve ever felt the call of the mountains and wondered what it’s like to see them from above, JohnnyRo’s adventures might just push you to try paragliding. Whether you’re a seasoned skier looking for a new thrill or a paraglider curious about the possibilities of the snow, this fusion of sports offers something truly special.

As JohnnyRo’s video shows, the mountains are a playground waiting to be explored from every angle—sometimes, that means taking to the skies.


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